Friday, May 29, 2009

Haa, this should be interesting.

I really don't know what to write... There's so much going on right now that I'm not really sure if I can handle everything on my plate, so to speak. really just needs to be over. Like seriously, I'm so stressed out right now. Between trying to keep my grades up whilst attempting to maintain a social life...I don't even know. Its sure as hell not an easy task. And eople...are just confusing. And they hurt you, whether or not they realize it. And sometimes they just suck all together. I mean, I understand that everybody is different, but some people just completely disregard other peoples feelings and emotions because they think what they are doing is right or better. And nosey people are the worst. Seriously, you try to have a conversation with one of your friends and all of a sudden a random voice decides to break in and say "waitt..whattt?!" And then you're just left to either stare at them with that "WTF turn around" face or you just pretend it doesn't bother you. But since I'm not really a very 'confront the conflict' type of person, I usually just let things go. Which is really bad... Because then it gets to the point where I let people walk all over me, and that can really, really hurt sometimes.

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